Innovative software and support for 3D subsurface advanced Electromagnetic imaging in the Geothermal, Mining and Oil industries.

Introducing ModEM-Geophysics Inc.

We provide flexible 3D inversion capabilities for magnetotelluric and controlled source EM data, built around ModEM, the modular system for EM inversion developed at Oregon State University. ModEM geophysics was incorporated in the state of Oregon, USA, by Prof. Gary Egbert, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University (OSU). The company was founded to commercialize and support the ModEM geophysical inversion software developed at OSU by Prof. Egbert, with substantial contributions from co-workers Drs. Naser Meqbel and Anna Kelbert. ModEM Geophysics Inc., has obtained exclusive commercial rights to the ModEM software from OSU, but works closely with 3D Consulting-Geo GmbH (Dr. Naser Meqbel) to license, support, and further develop these codes for commercial use.

ModEM has been extensively used in the acadamia in the last 10 years. A stable version of the MT 3Dinversion code is available to the academic community for non-commercial research purposes. There are now over 220 registered academic users worldwide, distributed around the globe.
There are a growing number of peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations, describing use of ModEM in these basic research applications. Information on obtaining ModEM for non-commercial use, can be found at, where a forum for discussions of problems and sharing of solution among users of ModEM is also provided.

Prof. Egbert has also developed advanced methods for data assimilative modeling of global ocean tides, which have been used to create an accurate multi-resolution global atlas of tidal heights and currents. ModEM geophysics has obtained exclusive commercial rights to this tidal atlas, which can be licensed for commercial use through the company.

Our Services

Licensing ModEM Code

The stable, well-tested, 3D MT version of ModEM can be licensed for commercial use, with full support and training. In most cases the license offered is perpetual, and non-transferable, allowing installation and use on a single computer at any given time.

3D inversion of EM data on the Cloud

We offer the usage of ModEM code as part of our Web Application which offers you all infrastructures required to run 3D inversion of MT data. This includes, but not limited to, a comprehensive DataBase to archive all your projects, Hardware, and a sophisticated User Interface.

3D EM inversion service

ModEM Geophysics can also invert and consult on interpretation of your EM dataset. For this service, powerful computational facilities are available through working with various Cloud Computing providers (e.g., Google Cloud, Azure, Amazon).

Some of our work

3D inversion results of using 400+ MT sites for mineral exploration in Australia:

3D inversion results of using 400+ MT sites for Geothermal exploration in Turkey:

3D inversion result of using 350+ MT sites for tectonic study in the USA:

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